Anxiety is pretty common among the youth. The mounting pressures, the social scenario and even the day-to-day news make you anxious and tense. Anxiety makes it hard for you to concentrate on the things that are important. For instance, you are anxious whether or not you will be able to score well in the finals, which takes you away from the moment when you have to actually study for them. This is just one example; there are several, each one making you less focused. However there are activities that help overcome anxiety.
How to tackle anxiety? “Now” is where the power is. All you have is this moment! There is an entire mystery associated with the future, and you really don’t want to spend time thinking about what you don’t know. Instead, start living in the moment. Enjoy every minute of the “NOW”, and you will be able to work your way through the future.
How to move away from anxiety and concentrate on the present? Here we will discuss a few simple activities that will help you be less anxious and more focused. The following are some activities that help overcome anxiety.
Art Therapy
Grab colouring books, and get your box of paints out. If you are feeling anxious, there is no better way than colouring. It not only helps you stay focused but also gets you in the creativity zone. Painting stones can be really relaxing. Grab stones of odd shapes and paint a whole new world onto them.
Let your imagination loose
It is important for you to let your imagination flow, when you are anxious. You will let on your creativity and get to play multitudes of characters in your imagination. An anxious mind generates a plot that’s unbeatable. What’s your story?
Relaxation through meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to overcome anxiety and be more relaxed. Feel the physical sensations in your body. Focus on them, one at a time, and be more aware of it. This is a type of meditation which makes you more aware of the present, and keeps you focused. Of course, there is the breathing technique too which can help you focus better. Take deep breaths, and help your mind settle.
Did you know that collage making is actually an art that requires a lot of focus and creativity? It helps your mind come out with great ideas, and helps relax the anxiety. If you are anxious, get pictures out and set out to make a good collage.
Music therapy
If you play an instrument, the best way to lessen your anxiety is by playing the instrument. It will also help in increasing your focus. If you don’t know how to play music but you are an avid listener, get your favourite bands on the playlist, and start focusing on the music. This therapy truly works.
Doodle your way
You can always draw comic strips and doodle something that you feel or think or see. Creative minds can focus better and they have a greater chance of reducing the anxiety level.
So, next time you feel anxious, instead of focusing on the anxiety, try to follow one of these. You might be able to focus on the present better.