It is estimated that the number one killer in the world by 2025 will be stress. Doctors now agree that over 86% of diseases are psychosomatic. it simply means negative emotions are manifesting in physical health problems. This could range from simple aches and pains to chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart attack.
It is scary to know the damages caused by stress. Stress triggers our mind to release stress chemicals such as Cortisol and Adrenalin to name a few. These are steroids that help us fight the situation or help us flee. We need these chemicals to tide over the crisis but too much of it is always dangerous. They must be completely consumed either to fight or flee during the crisis.
Unfortunately in most of the situations we can neither fight nor flee. It could be an argument with the boss, or a quarrel with the spouse, examination fear, maid not showing up, missing your transportation or being late for a meeting etc. In such cases we end up freezing not knowing what to do.
Freeze reaction has an adverse effect on our body because the stress chemicals released are not fully consumed. These turn into harmful chemicals and start affecting our immune system, vital organs (such as brain, heart etc..), shut our pre-frontal cortex (the thinking part of our brain) and tightening different muscles in our body (commonly referred to as spasm).
Because, stress has become so rampant in our life, we end up freezing several times during the day. This results in deteriorating health, affecting every single organ in our body. Unfortunately there are no medicines that can dissolve or neutralize stress chemicals. Even though there are few, at best, they can inhibit the release of stress chemicals and unfortunately have side effects.
The only hope is to ensure that stress chemicals are either not released or neutralized after they are released. This will help us handle any situation outside our comfort zone with ease.
Is it possible? Thankfully the answer is an astounding YES. Mindfulness is the only hope to fight this challenge.
Mindfulness is all about being in the present, with a purpose and being non-judgmental. This helps us live in the present fully and experience every moment of our life without being unnecessarily critical of self or others.
Mindfulness can be achieved through simple yet powerful breathing techniques, by entering into alpha mindful meditation, and also by leveraging some of the clinically proven behavioral sciences such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).