Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is an energy based healing system that has been present since ancient times and was closely guarded and practiced secretly by a very few people all over the world. It was developed and fine-tuned by the late Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui in The Phillipines who established this form of healing. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is capable of healing itself and that the process can be accelerated by cleansing and supplying more prana to the affected part and the corresponding chakras or energy centres in the body.

Prana in Sanskrit means "energy" or "life force". It is this invisible bioenergy that keeps the human body alive and maintains its state of good health. Pranic healing is an extremely simple but effective and powerful system that uses a no-touch healing method. It works on the basic fundamental that the human body has the innate ability to heal itself. Increasing the prana available from the sun, air, and ground to address emotional and physical imbalances, accelerates this healing process. The Grandmaster says, "Life energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of life energy." Thus, a healer can draw pranic energy (life energy) from one's surroundings to project on the affected parts.

Pranic healing does not require any equipment or drugs or even physical contact. Life energy is absorbed and distributed to the entire physical body: glands, organs, muscles, etc. The universal energy surrounding us interpenetrates and maintains the physical body. It also affects our mental and emotional state, our capability to handle pressure and stress, our relationships, and at times, finances too.

Pranic healing is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment but only supports it.

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